Skilling Pets

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Skilling pets refer to a subset of pets that are earned as rewards from actions while skilling. A player's chance of receiving these pets is based on their current levels and the actions being taken. These rates are impacted by the pet booster item and any ongoing rate boosts from events.


To determine the rate at which a player can expect to receive a given pet, the base chance for the pet (as determined by the action triggering the roll for a pet) is applied to the following formula.

playersChance = 1 / ( basePetRateForAction - (playersLevelInRelatedSkill * 25 / 8)) * (1 - activeBoost)

for example, let's look at a player with the following characteristics:

If this player were hunting the Rocky pet (which has a base rate of 257211), we can calculate their chance as the following:

playersChance = 1/(257211 - (99 * 25 / 8))(1 - 0.25) = 1/192676